Coro3 Spray

An oral protection spray which forms a film as a barrier against viruses and bacteria in a easy to use 50ml bottle with spray head.



An easy to use Oral spray protects from viruses and bacteria.

    Coro3Spray is a Hygienic and protective mouth rinse in an easy to carry spray bottle. It refreshes, cleans and disinfects your mouth. It’s important to not only disinfect your hands but also the primairy area for bacteria and viruses: your mouth. Coro3Spray forms film as a protective barrier to fight viruses and bacteria. You can use the Coro3Spray for example while travelling by airplane, bus or train, going to a restaurant, hotel or visiting public places to have fresh breath and an additional protection. Coro3Spray is based on a HCI-Formula®️, these 3 elements consisting of Hydrogen peroxide, Chlorhexidine and Povidone-Iodine in combination with essential oils. Stay fresh and safe!

    Onze producten zijn bedoeld onderdeel uit te maken van uw normale voorzorgsmaatregelen als handen wassen, afstand houden en mondkapje dragen. U wordt geadviseerd om goed kennis te nemen van de aanwijzingen die u op of in de verpakking van onze producten aantreft. Wij wijzen u er uitdrukkelijk op dat onze producten niet zijn bedoeld ter vervanging van geneesmiddelen of vaccins.

    Our products are intended to be part of your normal precautions such as washing your hands, keeping your distance and wearing a respirator. You are advised to read carefully the instructions given on or in the packaging of our products. Please note that our products are not intended to replace medicines or vaccines.